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Projections of future feminism movements

Among all the flare-ups that result in the turnabout of humanity in the 21st century, few are as enthusiastically embraced and globally lauded as feminism movements. Up to now, the women’s right movement is a virtual common phrase that is immensely swirling online to the extent that tamp down inequality and gender discrepancy. Furthermore, the future of feminism movements are more concerned and put on many debates. Therefore, the prospect of feminism is brimming over with multiple conspiracy theories and objective ideas that sketch out the mural of future feminism movements.

Preliminarily, women’s right movements are purported to be decidedly imperishable. Throughout the 4000 year history of mankind, inequality has always been clearly ubiquitous and women are the victims of gender discrepancy, domestic abuse. Thus, the revolutions whose aspiration is to upend the traditional narratives that have fixed feminism in a spin cycle for the past 100 years are an integral long- term movement to the victims of domestic and sexual abuse. This is the main reason why women's rights movements strenuously keep rooted in human life, despite the ever evolving era. Metoo movements, March female month are a solid example of vicious spin of feminism. In spite of being put on many debates, Me Too still garners a lot of attention from1.7 billion people and illuminates the victims of domestic abuse’s life.

Subsequently, a collective of men have a tendency to double down on safeguarding women’s rights. Up to now, Feminism has been wide ranging, from women's life to men's life. Due to the democratization of women’s oppression, men are inclined to embrace gender inequality as a social extreme norm and fervently support the women's revolutions. According to the survey that is recently conducted by Statista, more than half of the world’s population vehemently self describe themself as feminists and confide that they are relentlessly fighting for women justice. In India alone, over 80 percent of respondents who are men proclaimed that they defined themselves as feminists. Nevertheless, this number is much lower in developed countries such as the United States or Germany (with 40 percent of respondents agreeing), which might be due to the bad press feminism movements - superficially – have. Switching to an national American survey by the Washington Post and Kaiser Family Foundation in 2017, third of men percieved themselves a fervent feminist, with roughly 7 in 10 of each saying the movement is empowering. It is crystal clear that more men have taken part in significant cultural and political responses to feminism within each "wave" of the movement. These statistics not only remark the milestone in the feminism movement but also predict the boom in the unprecedented number of man-feminists.

Beside the anticipation of the unprecedented development in feminism, women revolutions are considered to be on the cusp of being a hysterical movement. Given that, the grassroot motto of feminism movements is that freedom of thought, speech is the ultimate form of liberation. The feminism activists are willing to click with other women and cast stones at prominent male figures that were alleged of indecent behaviors. Therefore, multiple digital deluges are led in, brimming with blasphemous contents and knee jerk reactions. This factor sheds the light on why school of thoughts hold that feminism movements are tantrum-based movements and at risk of being eliminated. Case in point, #WomenAgainstFeminism or Women Against Feminism movement was unveiled in 2017 as a mean to denounce the noxious belief of feminists and stop the rebudant waves of women’s right movements. Women Against Feminism is a wake- up call for feminism movements to face the threats of future feminism movements.

The future of feminism movements are enigmatic and unpredictable. However, there is an undeniable fact that feminism movements still gain momentum and put women's rights on the front burner regardless of time changing. Beside, without undergoing overhauls, feminism movements might be outdated and turn to be an antique obsolete.

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