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Our vision 

"A world with no women left behind."

The Papillon seeks to be a reliable friend whom women and girls all over the world can confide in. As a friend, we are more than willing to hear, without judging, your unspeakable stories and opinions on whatever mainstream issues that matter women’s rights. Our team works to ensure women’s rights are known, all crimes against women are concerned, and all women are shielded mentally. Considering a more widespread influence, the Papillon is also available on Facebook and Instagram. 


The Papillon’s audience is not limited to women but also those who identify themselves as women and those who concern about women-related issues, regardless of social background. Together, with the power of words, we can expose diverse aspects of inequality and cruelty modern women suffer to the world, which consequently empowers the now-reluctant feminists to also speak up for whatever matters to them. Together, by sharing our own stories, we build more confidence and form a strong community that fights for women and girls.

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