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Should men fight for their rights?

An abundance of public protests against sexism have sparked, a lot of dissenting voices towards gender discrepancy have been raised. In this day and age, women have strenuously stood up for their rights, and most people have already spared a thought for women and their obstacles. Nevertheless, in an age that women are progressively granted a privilege with the aim of forging a non-discrimination society, men’s prerogative is dismally overlooked. Hence, whether men should fight for their rights remains a topic of interest and even controversy.

Up to now, there is a school of thought that holds some prejudiced opinions towards what a man should be and should do. Being born as a boy, he is taught from an early age to be resilient, fierce, and courageously come what may, to play and manage any masculine games and tasks. For example, when a boy or a man undertakes some “feminine” activities such as cooking, embroidery, and so forth, it goes against the rationale of a unit of people, which even results in a more severe extent to which he is mentally bullied or picked on. When growing up and settling down, he is expected to not only put much more effort into work but also strive his utmost to secure a high-paid job as the sole breadwinner of the family. Even though some women indeed play this prominent role in today’s modern family, the number of them stands pale in comparison with that of men. Additionally, males usually refrain from displaying their disenchantment and dismalness; otherwise, they will be denounced for being too delicate and fragile. On top of that, female sexual abuse is widely wrangled while that of male, which also has an adverse bearing on not only the victims themselves but also the society, is barely addressed.

Notwithstanding the fact that men do have their own prerogative and should combat for their rights with a view to striving for a society of no gender disparity, it should be valid to a certain extent on the grounds that men, apart from some aforementioned disadvantages have already had their own benefits that their counterparts have not which makes their handicaps pales in comparison to those of women. First and foremost, men are not fully in charge of raising children and building a close-knit family along with domestic chores, which are all day-to-day tasks that women, in contrast, are supposed to accomplish. What is more, to be dearly called

“Mom” or “Mother”, she has to undergo a lengthy period in order to give birth to a child and nourish him or her for a bright future. As opposed to men with peer and work pressure, women have a tendency to suffer from extreme stress, including not only peer and work but also family and children upbringing along with their sensitivity in essence and mental breakdown ensued. In addition, women are prone to be evaluated by their presence. The fact that women are widely supposed to pay meticulous attention to their allure, which will play a contributive role in their career success in an era that the beauty and appearance of women are especially attached importance to, demand them to turn up elegant and put on a cheerful and charming vibe. This may even worsen the situation when women are not allowed to reveal their tiredness and their lack of care towards their appearance.

Therefore, it is vital to maintain gender equality between men and women on the grounds that they both have their own inmost feelings, especially women. When it comes to some feasible actions, men can contribute their effort to not only extricating gender discrepancy, which directly influences their role in society but also being feminist with the aim of protecting women’s privilege as well as a token of respect for their counterparts and themselves. In this case, men are suggested to take some simple actions such as raising their awareness of women’s role, standing by, and showing their urgent need for gender justice. Men can also shield women from criticisms, prejudices, and even violence related to gender disparity.

There is no room for doubt that men nowadays do have their own inmost feelings needing to be expressed, their unfair prejudices needing to be encountered. Nonetheless, in the light of women’s sufferings which need heartfelt sympathy and painstaking care, men can still raise their voices for their own privilege, it must be valid to a reasonable and equitable extent to peacefully maintain a harmonious social and family relationship among them and their counterparts.

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