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Feminism in personal love

Dear readers who are female,

Before pointing to the main claims or arguments of this writing, I bear to confess and share one story linked to me. I love reading books. Book’s up my alley so I’ve read a ton of books and dug out many types of it. Once, while skimming through an e-book website, I came across an incredibly romantic novel. (I remember that book vaguely so I can’t recall the name of it). The romance novel depicts the love between a rich totalitarian man and a bad-luck endearing woman. While the male protagonist appeared as a brutal, blood-thirsting monster, the lead female was actually a soft, spineless girl. Despite being physically and sexually abused, she still sacrificed herself in order to achieve something called ‘love’. However, the ending of the romance novel is quite ironic for me. The man fell head over heels in love with the woman and they decided to marry. An old familiar, yet still popular plot that anchors in every romantic book for teens.

Fans of the novel hold their love story as a standard of ideal love and believe that the woman’s sacrifices will be exchanged for the permanent romantic relationship. It is worth noticing that the readers of the book I mentioned are just the tip of the iceberg. There are many super dreamy dwellers who pursue real love by sacrificing.

Remaining silent is not the key to attach our lives to our soulmates. Even if you shut your mouth in abuse, your life won’t be a rainbow world. When you lock your voice in any relationship and accept to be your soulmate’s pet, you not only decrease your self-esteem scale but also make everyone, including your lover, fiancée, or husband, disrespect and discriminate against you. There is an undeniable fact that love without respect is not permanent but toxic. Your soft attributes can not evoke the sweetness or love inside the opposite lover. It just maintains your love in pain, boredom, and binds you in a romantic relationship that turns out to be your own hallucination. Furthermore, if you miss the right to choose what you want to do with your lover and have that decision respected and supported, you might be the victim of brutality, physical abuse. This is a tragedy of your life, your love, your marriage, and even your tots. Imagine you and your husband, who disrespect you, have kids and your children witness their dad abusing their mum. Does it affect the childhood of your tots? I think you might have your own answer.

Feminism plays a key role in family happiness. Acknowledging the theory of feminism which claims that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities, you will find your self-confidence and raise your voice to decide your love, your fate. Raising your independent voice controls your relationship based on your emotion, perspective, and shows how serious you are in a romantic relationship. It not only makes your lover recognize you as a strong, determined, directive person but also fulfills you with love. Besides, the one romantically involved with you and your children will love you from a respectful distance unless you are against feminism. With the kindness of women, the powerfulness of the feminist, you may set up a great example for your daughter, who inherits your power and voice.

Feminism is not man-hating or anti-love. Feminism guarantees gender equality between men and women in all relationships, especially love. Escaping the paradoxical romance dream beneath, you should be a feminist in your own life. Realize who you deserve. Raise your voice to demand happiness. Never keep silent to have a temporary happy moment.

Copyright ©The Papillon

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